Hola this is (Josiah) and I'm just here to tell Hunter and Noah to stinkin write a BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because ya'll haven't writen anything (except for you Hunter, lollipop for you (: )! So Hunt-man and (ummmmm well i haven't come up with a nickname for you Noah so for now i'll just call you Bob i'll make you a nickname later) Bob write a couple for our 2 awesome fans!!!! Or else... Ok thats all I had to say bye-bye (:
The coolest guys ever, (Josiah), (Hunter), and (Noah the Beast) < The nickname!
PS: (Josiah) Thats me! Wrote this message i just put Hunter and Noah cause they're awesome!
PSS: Hunter i was jk about the lollipop thing srry
PSSS: Comment to tell me how many accents i used! The thirteenth comment gets TEN WHOLE CENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PSSSS: And by 2 fans i meant 2000000000000 fans!
PSSSSS: Good-Bye