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allie schindley
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

survey thingy

1. Start Time: 8:20 2. Name: Allison Marie Schindley 3. Nickname: allie, al, BEAUTIFUL! ;) 4. Astrology sign: Libra 5. Gender: Female 7. Hair color: Brown & Blonde 8. Eye color: Blue 10. Favorite color: Blue and PINK! 11. Glasses: nope 13. tattoos: 0 14. birthplace: Norwalk 15. Single or taken: Taken :) 16. Siblings names: Ben and Cory ******HAVE YOU EVER***** 17. Cut your own hair? yeah 18. Did something in the past month that you will regret? no 19. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to? yea 20. Skipped school? no 22. Bungee jumped? no 24. Punched someone? no 25. Cheated on someone? no 26. Been arrested? no 27. Broken into someone's house? no 30. Been rejected? Yes 31. Been to a funeral? yes 32. Used a lighter? for fires but i dont like them 33. Been on stage? yeah *****FAVORITE***** 34. Season: Spring and Fall 35. Food: Nachos 37. School subject(s): umm.... french 38. Candy: Reeses 41. Book(s): Pay it Forward and The Notebook 42. Movie(s): The Notebook, Benchwarmers, and Cars 43. Song(s): Favorite State of Mind by Josh Gracin 44. Park: Don't know? 45. State: ohio and florida... granted if i ever go there 46. Place: anywhere but my house 47. Sport to watch on TV: Football 50. Letter(s): A, C, K 51. Favorite fast food restaurant: Taco Bell and Arbys 52. Disney Princess: Ariel 53. TV station: i dunno 54. Name for a son: Kaden Aaron and Quenton Andrew 55. Name for a daughter: Cassidy Lynn, Jolie Ann, and Grace Kay ******DO YOU PREFER***** 56. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla 57. Alcoholic or non? non 58. Long relationships or one night stands? long def! 59. Dogs or cats? dogs 60. Scary movies or comedies? Comedies 61. Short or long hair? in between 62. croutons or bacon bits? Croutons ******FIRST THINGS THAT COME TO MIND****** 64. Mexicans: hahaha 65. School: bellevue 67. Cows: KRISTEN!! haha 68. Canada: Toronto 69. Mouse: Micky 70. Hand: shake *****THE PAST 3 DAYS, HAVE YOU***** 71. Talked on the phone? Yes 72. Watched a movie? no 73. Cried? Yes 74. Smoked? heck no! 75. Drank a glass of water? a bottle of water 76. Done Drugs? NO! 77. Read a book or magazine? yep 78. Watched TV? Yes 79. Looked in the mirror? yea 80. Taken a shower? yes yes 81. Taken a picture? no 82. Listened to music? of course! 83. Told someone you love them? yeppers!.... my wonderful boyfriend! :) 84. end time: 8:35
1. Start Time: 8:20 2. Name: Allison Marie Schindley 3. Nickname: allie, al, BEAUTIFUL! ;) 4. Astrology sign: Libra 5. Gender:… Read More
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