Some people think change is good. But thats not true on all things. Like the change of who does the school's monthyly news paper. Years ago it used to be the students in 8th grade. It needs to be changed back, the teachers at stilwell dont know what students want to hear. Students who help in this would build character also most students have nothing to do after school, this is the perfect oppertunity for extra ciricular activities.
First off who better to know what students like better than the students themselves. Teachers produce this boring paper that most students dont even read. Times have changed and teenagers now a days arnet the same as when the teachers were teens. More people would ead te epaper if it was done by the students.
The students that do participate in this will build character. They would be more responsable in school. For instance, I used to be a bad child, I would skip school and talk back to teachers. But my best friend in the world shea helped me to do better in school and focus more on school activities. He is the one that made me think if I started a school newspaper it could influence many of the students to get invovled.
All in allit would provied an extra criclar acativty. This can also help students write better too. Theres no activitys for good writers. We have things like sports, arts, and academic, but theses nothing for writers. This would give a chance to have students reconized for their abiltys.
This is a great opprutnity to help young writers. You could even do a fund raiser to help students get what they need. I'm sure it would be a great idea if you do this