
Content Rejected
Ben Catapane
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

5 ways to irritate someone on an airplane


1: Recline your seat back and forth for 10 min.

2: When you open your bag of peanuts, they go flying all over the person behind you. oooops!

3: Pretend to throw up on the person behind you on your way to the bathroom.

4: With your seat reclined, have a loud conversation on your cell phone and tell the person behind you,"Do you mind minding your own business."

5: When the person behind you is completely annoyed, unbuckle your seatbelt, and go back and offer him a mint.

After doing all these things, the person behind you will call the flight attendant and order him to throw you out the window!!

  1: Recline your seat back and forth for 10 min. 2: When you open your bag of peanuts, they go flying all over the person… Read More
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