
Content Rejected
Blake Shockey
18 years ago
Edited 9 years ago


Some people might not relize it but we are all blessed. When you get out of bed in the morning and see the sunshine come through. That right there is is three BLESSINGS. The first one is that you are alive, the second one is that you can see, and the third one is this great earth. See some people can't see because they are blind, and some people don't get up in the morning because they have passed on, and some peple don't get to enjoy this great earth because in their country they cannot go outside because of the goverment. These are just some blessings out of the many that we have. MY BIGGEST BLESSING IS MY GRANDPAP. (that is who is one my background i am so sad that he has moved on) If you have any blessings put them on my wall. May the father the son and the holy spirit bless you. If you have any comments let me know.
Some people might not relize it but we are all blessed. When you get out of bed in the morning and see the sunshine come through. … Read More
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