alot of people say ALOT man that stiks i'm always to small to do to do anything or thats not fair he always gets to do everything and your parents say "thats because there bigger and when your that big you can do it and you think that you will never be that big well i'm hear to tell you this God always looks at the heart not the size so if you have a good heart than you will probily get to do things that those bigger kids wont get to do because if there heart God wont want them to do anythig with for him if there mean and hateful so have a good heart and you will get to do things and by the way God will always use you no matter what you look like you are perfect in Gods eyes so it dose not matter what the world thinks thats the way God made you so be happy God made you perfect and he loves you more than anyone you can imagine so love ane dont lisen to the world lisen to God i promise you will be waaaaaaaaaaaaay more happy.