
Content Rejected
Callie Tallman
17 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

Boyfriend Application!

if you're a boy and interested in filling out this application, copy it and answer the following questions, then send it to me in a message. Repost this and see who's eligible to be your special someone. Have fun!! Send it back if you think you could get the job... :)






 Hair (color and style):



 Play what sports:

  What Do You Think Of My...




 W0ULD Y0U...

 Y= yes N=no

 [] go out with me?

[] give me your number?____________ if u have a cell put ur cell not home

[] kiss me?[]

let me kiss you?

[] hug me?

[] buy me food?

[] take me home to meet your family?

[] sing car karaoke w/ me?

[] sit in the doctors office with me because I didn't want to go alone?

[] re-post this for me to answer your questions?

[] come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere

D0 Y0U...

[[] want to kiss me?

[ ] want to be there for me no matter what?

AM i...

[] smart?

[] funny?

[] cool?

[] intersting to talk to?


[] thought about me?

[] thought there might be an "US"?

[] thought about me thinking about you?

[] found yourself wanting to kiss me?

[] wished i were there to hold you close?

[] wanted to tell me something but couldnt tell me? Well then what is it?

if you're a boy and interested in filling out this application, copy it and answer the following questions, then send it… Read More
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