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Christian Healing Center of Naples
1 year ago
Edited 1 year ago

CHC Naples Awarded a Matching Challenge Grant

Dear Friends of Christian Healing Center of Naples,

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I am grateful and excited to tell you we have just received the St. John’s Episcopal Church (Naples) Challenge Grant in the amount of $8,675. St. John’s applies a rigorous process in selecting recipients that includes mission, ministry, financial reviews and in person interviews. We greatly appreciate having been selected to receive this grant..

CHCN depends on free-will giving of individuals by the grace of God. Your contributions given in response to God’s prompting are the essential gifts that have sustained and grown the impact of being a place where people from all walks of life come and receive healing prayer. Your offerings have given us the resources to expand healing prayer ministry and develop curriculum to teach and train believers to exercise gifts of healings (1 Corinthians 12). You are in the heart of Jesus’ Heart to multiply His Grace that many more people will come to believe in Him and receive eternal life now. With this challenge grant every dollar given to CHCN now and over the next 30 to 40 days will be doubled!!! Some recipients of St. John’s challenge grants have seen donations increase markedly more than the challenge grant by multiples of 2, 3, and even 5 times the challenge.
Hallelujah!!!  What is God saying to us with this news? Barbara and I are inspired to double our monthly offering for December to CHCN as a result of this challenge grant. You may choose to do the same or maybe this will be the time for your first offering to CHCN. Giving by check or cash results in the least transaction expense for us. We also accept gifts by credit or debit cards on our website at https://chcnaples.org/give. I ask that you pray and follow God’s prompting. Gifts of any amount are a blessing and received in prayer and assurance that God is about to multiply again for His purposes.

What do we need donations for now? With the base costs of the new prayer center - Abba’s Place - pledged for the coming year, we are blessed to focus more resource to teaching and training and healing meetings. Do you know God has always sent people from 8 or more churches to every meeting we have hosted since beginning in November 2016? And we always see people come to meetings wanting healing prayer and wanting to learn what God is doing today with healing. He is bearing much fruit and we see the growth of the Kingdom of heaven in Naples and the surrounding community. We believe God is multiplying and we will continue to help people and churches exercise gifts of healings here and everywhere we are asked to go. 

Just now I received the following testimony. Please read what Terry wrote us as you consider your participation in this 

"Feeling lost, sick or just need to renew your faith in Jesus?  I recommend spending an hour or so in prayer with Donna and Skip at the Christian Healing Center. I did and after speaking and praying with them for that time my faith in Jesus was renewed. I felt much better physically, and I realized for the first time that Jesus was always with me and watching over me. I highly recommend them. And you too may look up and see Jesus. I did.”

Please pray for what God has for you to receive through healing prayer. Take advantage of everything He is offering here at CHCN. We are pressing further into God’s call to follow Jesus in His anointing to proclaim the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed. 

I give God all the thanks, praise and glory for having given us Jesus Christ, His Son to give us the way back to Abba and to newness of life. He is the Truth, the Way and the Life. God bless you and thank you for your prayerful attention and for your encouragement and support. God loves you and we love you forever in the love of our Father, Jesus and in the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you choose to give a matching grant gift, please indicate this in your note to us. We will acknowledge your giving by return mail, if you provide a mailing address or email address. All giving to Christian Healing Center of Naples, Inc. are tax deductible charitable contributions when itemized on your yearly income tax returns.

In the love of Jesus, God bless you,
Spiritual Director
Christian Healing Center of Naples, Inc.
Abba’s Place
4670 Cardinal Way, Suite 303
Naples, FL 34112 

Dear Friends of Christian Healing Center of Naples, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I am grateful… Read More
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