Dear Friends,
In this season when many of us are preparing for Christmas (or at least anticipating its coming), I pray that you and I remember Jesus came in the midst of the worst of times (not so different from our times). Many of the faithful in Israel were far from living a life of love and fullness (enjoyment) of life. There was despair with much oppression and lack for many (even the wealthy were suffering whether they knew it or not). Many were lost and many were hungry (physically and spiritually) when John the Baptist began His call for everyone to “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!†_Matthew 3:2._ A message that attracted many to ask to be baptized (this was new). And Jesus who came into their midst (first revealed to the lowliest - shepherds) carried the same message with a declaration of LOVE: Turn and see the Father is good and He loves you so much He sent His one and only son, Jesus that all who believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn, but that the world might be saved. (See John 3: 16-17). God loves the world and God loves you and everyone who has ever lived. In this message is HOPE. We need not despair, but if we do we have a mighty counselor, helper, comforter, and lover - Holy Spirit! If you are in despair, I ask you to remember Jesus - your first love. Even if you have yet to meet Him, believe me He wants to meet you! We can turn to Him and He will receive us in LOVE ALWAYS - NEVER CONDEMNATION. We have the sure WORD of GOD that attests to who He is and who we are. He is our Savior and we are His Beloved!!!! He is your Savior and you are His Beloved!
This season can bring with it remembrances of regret or lack. Loneliness and despair. If that is you (can be me, certainly) it is imperative you and I turn quickly to the TRUTH! Jesus came and is coming and is here for our salvation, our redemption in His Love for us to receive His LOVE and HIS PLAN and PURPOSE FOR US TO KNOW HE MADE US TO ENJOY HIM AND ENJOY LIFE! THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND! FATHER SON AND HOLY SPIRIT ARE FOR US AND FOR US TO HAVE A FULLNESS OF LIFE GIVEN NOT EARNED OR DESERVED, BY GRACE FOR NOW AND ETERNITY! JOY -<> PEACE -<> HOPE -<> LOVE —— the HALLMARKS OF GOD WITH US AND FOR US. WE NEED NOT LACK OR SUFFER NO MATTER OUR CONDITION!
And we need not be alone! Emmanuel, our first love, is God with us. He never forsakes us - never leaves us. And when two or more believers gather in His name He is in the midst of them saying, "and whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.†_John 14:13._ If you feel alone, reach out to someone who, with you, will pray that Jesus manifest Himself so that you may be filled with His LOVE. Enter into a conversation with a believer or believers that you will hear the TRUTH and KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE. THERE IS FELLOWSHIP WITH BELIEVERS AND WITH THE FAMILY OF GOD - FATHER SON AND HOLY SPIRIT! LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN HIM!
The Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus was and always will be the most real person in the room. He wants to meet and give you your hearts desire - LOVE! You are not alone. I invite you to read Richard’s words written to us last week for our encouragement and his, and now yours. [_Richard's testimony_](
Call us or the pastor or prayer minister at your church for fellowship and to know for yourself the POWER OF GOD BRINGS US HOPE, LOVE, PEACE, JOY, SOUND-MIND AND ALL GOOD THINGS OF HEAVEN! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
In Jesus who manifests and dwells with me - never am I alone!, Hallelujah!!!! _John 14._