
Content Rejected
chelsea rush
15 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

What I think about dating.

I don't have problem with dating. it just makes me mad when girls have to date. they dont have to date. just be friends. same with guys. ok God has the perfect guy/girlfreind for you. so why date now. i mean you can date, but your just going to break up anyway. and he/she tells you he loves you right. well they don't know what love is.  love means he.she loves you no matter what. will want to be with you untill death and in heaven. and he/she will love without any conditions. and when you find this guy or girl that you really love and really loves you. just pray about it. and see if he/she is the one. i have not had a boyfriend. i am letting God do that job for me.

 jeremiah 29:11 

I love God

And God loves you.

I don't have problem with dating. it just makes me mad when girls have to date. they dont have to date. just be friends. same… Read More
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