So those of u who know me well know that i am very pro-life. I think abortion is incredibly stupid! all it's doing is murdering inocent babies. some of u may agree w/ me...some may totally be for abortion....and some of u may partly agree! those of u who agree w/ me completely that NO MATTER WHAT the case is abortion is wrong!! God bless you! those who are for abortion...who think it's up to the mother...if she really wants to get an abortion let her...i mean it's not bothering me! i pray for u that one day u will change ur mind! and those who partly agree w/ me...like u think it's wrong unless like a case of rape or if it's life threating to the mother! i can see where u come from...but i still pray for u that u will one day be totally against it...no matter what the case is!
why is this an important topic? it's murder simply!! and last time i checked ppl don't like murderers! in the bible "thou shall not murder"...it's one of the 10 commandments! that's a good reason right there!! God created life...who are we to take it! those of u who think y care...it's not bothering u....wut if u were that baby? would u want 2 feel that pain....just cuz ur mom doesn't want u? ur mom chose 2 give u life....y can't other unborn babies have that same opportunity? those of u who believe well they can if like they were raped....yes, rape is a horrible thing to go through...think bout this though...God's w/ u where ever u go!!! Everywhere!! so God wuz there when that woman wuz being raped...He saw it...He had the power to stop it...He has the power to stop anything!! but He still let it happen! that means God must have a very very special plan for that baby! just like he has a special plan for all of us!! remember that adoption is ALWAYS a choice!! well maybe u believe wut if it's life threatening 2 the mother? i have a friend who's mom wuz told if she stayed pregnant w/ her that she'd end up dying....today both the grl and her mom are alive...of course i'm not saying this will always happen...but doctors can be wrong sometimes....but also why not die, so that baby can have life? if ur saved....and u love the Lord....ur going to heaven! i mean wuts wrong w/ that! also if u really love that baby...you'd want 2 die 4 that baby...instead of killing it and saving ur life...it's just being selfish in my opinion!! or of course those teenage mothers...first of all, wut are u doing getting pregnant before ur married? true u didn't mean 2....but u should kno there's always a chance!! so wut happened that night? u were drunk....isn't the drinking age 21? u were high...aren't drugs illegal? they told u they loved u!.....boyz lie!!!!!!! all the time!!!!!!! maybe there wuz another reason but whatever that reason it goes bak 2 the fact of it's just murder!! now maybe u've been in this situation! i'm not like lecturing u bout how u made a bad choice ...u've probably already have relized this and don't need anymore lectures....but like i said before...there's always adoption! u can always put that baby up 4 adoption if u don't think u r able 2 raise it urself!
1. Abortion causes more pain! It causes emotional, mental, and physical pain. when having a baby there are drugs they can give u so it's not as painful...when getting an abortion there is no drugs to relieve the pain.....the pain is horrible for YOU and the BABY!!! i wuz reading bout the many ways they do it...if u want me 2 send u it just tell me and i will...but yea it sounded just so much more painful!!!
2. A baby can feel! don't ever think it's not feeling anything! At 9 weeks old they can start feeling! i kno about a baby who wuz born a few days ago.....she is very premature! she wuz born 6months into pregnancy.....she is in this world...and she is alive!!!
3.From the day fertilization begins...that baby's features have been decided the sex, hair color, eye color etc. has already been decided!
4. On average abortion kills a baby every 24 seconds....a total of about 46,000,000 babies were killed inbetween 1973-2005! wut if u were one of those babies?
5. every human being throughout history has had a unique, individual genetic code stamped on every cell in his or her body. Both the mother and the fetus she carries have a genetic code stamped on their genes and chromosomes. they are not the same!!!! the fetus's genetic code is different from the mother's. to sit there and say a woman can do whatever she wants with her own body may be true. but it is not true that a fetus is merely part of the mother's body!
Bible Verses:
Jeremiah 1:5 29:10-12
there is so much much more about this subject!! i hope u are pro-life!! and if ur not then i hope after reading this u take into consideration bout how really horrible this practice(can't think of another word for it) is and will change ur mind!! may God bless all of u!!!!!!!
your Sister in Christ,
So those of u who know me well know that i am very pro-life. I think abortion is incredibly stupid! all it's doing is murdering …
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