
I think you have to realize that certain people can more easliy worhsip God through certain types of worship. I have been in many different types of worship services through my life - - and I have found that when i can't understand what I am singing about - - and the music doesn't sound joyful to me - - I'm not really worshipping - -I'm merely reciting - - but now the church I am attending is contemporary and I can REALLY worship God - - and it's not because I'm being selfish - -I'm not going to the service to be "entertained" but the enviroment is a more comfortable one for me to honestly worhisp God -- and also the musicians are also worshipping when they play their music -- I know a lot of musicians who don't feel comfortable singing but when they get behind a drumset they can let loose and let all teh glory be Gods. Worship isn't about the sound or style - - and we should worship God through evertying we do - - not just Wednesday or Sunday - - and The Bible says to "make a joyful noise unto the lord " -- it did not say " you must worship God through singing hymns and organ music."

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