
I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but my mom has read the book and she didn't reccomend it to me to read. I asked her what the basic plotline was and after she told me, I got kinda angry and upset that the author would put so many lies about Jesus in the book even though it is considered a fiction book. I know tons of people from my science class at school who have read the book (we also studied evolution last school year. How wonderful, huh? Gotta love my sarcasm.) and it was really sad to hear their view points about the stories 'cause they were actually falling for it and believing most of the things in the story. I think it's sad that the story has corrupted the minds of lots of people and I just wish that the "facts" are mostly false! I tried telling some of my friends who have read the book that some of the "facts" (like where it says in the book that Jesus got married to Mary Magdaline) were false, and I hope that they listened to me, 'cause they're not Christians. Anyways, 'cause of the false plotline of the book/movie, I refuse to read the book or watch the movie 'cause I don't need to be brainwashed with false ideas about Jesus and God. That's all I have to say right now.

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