
witchcraft is bad, yes, but i dont believe that it can be sinful to watch something or read something if it does not cause you to fall away or get involved in things that are actually sinful. no one watches the movie or reads the books and thinks "ooo witchcraft.... I wanna try".... now, i dotn think that it is logical to bring little kids of course to watch it becasue they are apt to believe it quickly without thinking it through. If you know that its fiction and that witchcraft is bad and everything, then it is fine. But you still need to be careful because things can easily get out of hand in your mind. And we cannot say that something is satanic just because it kind of has to do with something that is sinful. We dont know the intent of the writer. Also, it does not glorify Satan in any way. I dont believe that it is satanic because i do not have the information about the intent and motivation of the writer to make such assumptions.

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