
I think this is a great topic.... Unfortunately, I have NO expertise or experience in this subject besides that I learned about it happening when I was in school... I really only have two theories..... Either their of the Devil or of God :-) lol I mean realistically... COULD God produce this... Sure... Realistically could Satan produce this in a demon possessed human... Sure.... Basically we don't have alot of proof... What scares me is the supposed message from Christ.. Specially the one stating to be his Last Commandment to us... That to me sounds fishy... Really all of it sounds fishy... but I am sure it'd be next to impossible for someone to "trick" people into to believing the things she sasy and then have her body do this.. Because honestly, who has the capabilties to make Olive Oil stream from their eyes ?? lol no to many humans I know.... Maybe it will be one of those things we might never know till we die and see God... But they are fun to study and investigate

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