
[quote]How does your faith differ from what your parents?[/quote] Firstly, this has been irritating me. The end of the sentence is missing :P . Okay, anyhow, my faith is pretty similar to what my parents believe. If I don't know what to think on an issue, I ask my parents, then study their answers from the Word of God, a few concordances, the dictionary, and various other resources. And one thing I like about my parents is they'll do the same to me. If they're vague on a topic, they'll ask me what I think about something. [quote]How did you come up with your belief?[/quote] Through careful study of the Word. [quote]What changed your mind?[/quote] My mind only changes on a subject when I have been proved wrong. So, whatever proves me wrong. [quote]Rituals at my church[/quote] Rituals...an interesting word. This word is taken out of context so often. So many people see it and immediately think "religious". Also, anyone can say that their rituals are founded on the Word of God, because that's how they interpret the Word of God. Anyhow, we have communion, we have a time of worshiping God, we have a time of teaching, a time of praying and/or prophesying for each other as the Holy Spirit wills, a time of ministry as the need arises...can't think of a ton more at the moment...

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