Can I give you another perspective? If you were in my student ministry, this is how I would hope that you would approach this... (hopefully I've done a good job in teaching you this!) 1. Pray hard, pray long, and ask others to pray for you regarding this! Ask yourself this question, did God bring you to this youth group? If so, you owe it to Him to see if you can improve it! 2. If you still lack peace, come and talk to the youth pastor and be bluntly honest, don't candycote the issue do to a fear of hurting his feelings. Remember, your probably not the only one in the group that struggles with this! 3. Develop a plan of attack for your current youth. Establish goals that you would like to see and that you would be willing to assist the youth pastor in accomplishing. 4. If the youth pastor does not see it your way and refuses to change (which he might, they are stubborn people) then I would always encourage you to find a Bible-preaching youth group that will assist you in growth. 5. Best case scenerio, you get to stay in the current group, and you'll grow because you were involved in the process of improving the ministry. Don't be a church hopper, stay faithful. People quit way to soon and too easy!