
I came across a website that showed many things wrong with the Disney company (that was totally a shocker to me because I used to love disney), bu the things that went on behind the scenes aren't all rainbows and fairytales as they seem. One thing that the Bible warns against and tells us to shun from our lives is sorcery [greek. pharmikaia- eng. pharmacy defined as to use drugs, medicine, spells, etc,].Okay so one of them could be drugs, but then the other is [greek. magia-"the magic art"]. So, does anyone else see that Disney is based on sorcery with the whole magic kingdom and fairys and "spells" so to say. I know that a lot of youin here will be all "yeah, but the sorcerers were bad". But then there was Cinderella, whose dream became a reality when her fairy godmother came and said a spell "bippity boppity boo" and created a whole dazzling experience that would be every little girl's dream!! Also, in Pocahantus, the indians were "in touch with nature" and worshiped he earth in a heathen type way. and the English (who were christians) were seen as evil destroyers of all that is sacred and holy (and admit it, if it weren't for th unholy ones coming through here building a foundation, then we probably wouldn't have an America. also, not to mention that there were missionarys on these trips hat would try to minister to the indians). In Lion King, the baboon man (forget his name) was like a witch doctor in africa (and crazy to boot). So, I'm going to give you a website that allows you to see some of the truths behind Disney and you can form your own opinion about these things. [color=#FF0000]DISCLAIMER!! THERE IS SOME PORN AND OTHER THINGS ON THIS WEBSITE THAT WOULD NOT BE HEALTHY TO LOOK AT IF ONE WAS IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS. PLEASE TAKE CAUTION BEFORE GOING HERE AND LOOK ONLY AT WHAT IS RELATED TO THE TOPIC. THERE IS ALSO TWO PICTURES OF NAKED WOMEN ON THIS WEBSITE. VIEWER DISCRESSION IS ADVISED[/color] http://www.anomalies-unlimited.com/Disney.html

Post edited by: Rachel721, at: 2006/09/27 11:43

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