those last 3, or 2? posts made me laugh. his voice does sound whiney, it's popular to sound like you're a dying 12 year old when you sing today.. i've never actually thought of nin, slipknot, or disturbed as satanic. it depends on what you mean by satanic. nine inch nails isn't that bad, they use the f-word probably less than greenday, and they sound pretty awesome. slipknot and disturbed are basically sell out hard rock, nothing very "metal" about them, they really suck, i laugh about every time i see them. satanic, or just non-christian (i think that's what you were meaning, not really satanic, but ok), is more like... some emperor i guess, darkthrone, immortal... they're not even all that bad. there are some bands that really go all out with trying to be satanic. basically the most disturbing band that comes to mind when i think of non-christian is cannibal corpse.. they aren't always that bad, but they have some gross songs.. still nothing worse than your typical goregrind death metal band.