
[color=#800080] [size=4] Dear Lord, I have talked with you all day about the situation that has happened to me a chronically ill woman at those groups in the other areas. I've counted 5 have kicked me out and those places say dismissal without notification. God, it's like rules treat you like you are an ax murderer and unfortunately for those of us who have done no wrong, and are sick, our society has become an ax murderer society and world. Lord, I'm exhausted. I have been to headquarters regarding that rule and if I die trying I will get it changed by corporate for the sanctity of the sick, the suffering,and the tormented. What are we going to do when we become the kind of society that believes the "Rules are more important than the sick, the indigent, the unhealthy?" It makes angry, I know Lord it is the work of the devil but it is hard to see that sometimes. I've been lied to, stabbed in the back, put to work on a project to keep me busy, while I was kicked out of a place I desperately needed and it was helping me for what? The reason was as I found out from a girl in CA, "it's because you're a Christian and you prayed outloud in an email." Working for Jesus is hard as much as I love Him, it's hard. I've asked the Lord for strength for everything because CFIDS or CFS has taken it and I need it desperately to continue to work for Him. Lord, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, please take your Saints and me and my family, send Jesus to call us now, away from all this evil. And then Lord do away with it, and do away with that monster the evil one. Amen. [/size][/color]:angry: @ :evil: =:ohmy: :pinch: :dry: :huh: [img]http://www.mypraize.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/angel_clipart_free_angel_with_feather.jpg[/img]

Post edited by: BeautyQueen, at: 2006/11/25 19:41

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