
Any other history channel nuts here? I love it. I would have no problem using a TV that couldn't change channels, as long as it was stuck on History! Declassified was my favorite. The whole show was based on documents the government has to release after 25 years. So there was one on Castro, and how we tried to kill him (a FEW times), there was one about John Lennon (and how they followed him around for months before they figured out which house was his :)... But I'll watch just about anything on History, except when they beat it to death, like I've seen them have nothing but Hitler for like a week... Or there are a few shows that don't hold my interest.. I just don't care about the history of licorice.. But in general, it is the best channel on basic cable.

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)