
i'm buying some EPs from a band called inevitable end. they're a death metal band that's relatively new. their lyrics a christian inspired and such, a pretty awesome band... very good musicians. anyways, my plan. i look at some of my favorite bands, like extol, antestor, crimson moonlight... some of their EP releases when they first started as a band are worth over $100... (my music is somewhat expensive)... i figured, hey, i see a bright future for inevitable end. if i buy their stuff, wait 10 years, perhaps their stuff will be worth a lot of money! this all came to my mind last night when i was looking at how much someone on another forum i post at sold an antestor album. http://cgi.ebay.com/Antestor-Defeat-of-Satan-Despair-CD-Extol-Mortification_W0QQitemZ300057034058QQihZ020QQcategoryZ307QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem :woohoo: and who says underground music is worth nothing...

Post edited by: screams, at: 2006/12/12 18:34

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