
that passage, if you read John 1:1-14, basically describes in summary (obviously) the period of time from pre-creation till the birth of Jesus Christ. What I was trying to get across is that I believe when it says \"he gave the right to become children of God,\" this talks not just about people becoming part of the family of Israel, as you say, but also in retrospect that when Christ came to walk on the earth, those people being accepted into his family obviously believed in him, and therefore were given salvation not by works, but just by believing (saved by faith)... am I making a little more sense? I don\'t believe that the world was originally that way before the coming of Christ though. I think that works were needed in order to recieve salvation before Christ was crucified. He died for our sins, and we were given the gift of eternal life by solely grace/faith. The main reason for God to send his son to live among us on the earth was for that purpose: to save all people from our sins.

Post edited by: hexisxmyxrefuge, at: 2006/12/26 21:54

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