
Well, it sounds like your into the pop type music, so I could probabaly find some Christian bands or singers for you to check out. Mercy Me http://www.mercyme.org/main/ Zoe Girl http://www.zoegirlonline.com/ Jump5 http://www.jump5.com/ Superchick http://www.superchickonline.com/ Barlow Girl http://www.barlowgirl.com/ Stacie Orrico (don\'t know a website for her) There are tons of other popular Christian bands/singers listed on this website: http://www.christianmusicnews.net/bands.html It includes Christian metal, rock, and contemporary bands too. I listen to mostly Christian rock music and some of the bands I would reccomend (if you like rock music) are: Anberlin http://www.anberlin.com/ dc Talk http://www.dctalk.com/ Falling Up http://www.fallinguponline.com/ Hawk Nelson http://www.hawknelson.com/ Kutless http://www.kutless.com/ tobyMac http://www.tobymac.com/ Relient K http://www.relientk.com/ Skillet http://www.skillet.com/enter.php Switchfoot http://www.switchfoot.com Thousand Foot Krutch http://www.thousandfootkrutch.com/ Underoath http://www.underoath777.com/index.php There are tons of other great Christian bands and artists, so check them all out! Hope I helped!

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