
ok I\'ll give you what I think God is leading me to say. in Luke 12: 1-12 it talks about being a hypocrite. The Holy Ghost teaches you (as said in verse 12). So basically what Luke 12: 10 is saying is that those who sin without fromer knowlege of their sin will be forgiven if they are a Christian because everyone has fallen short of the glory of God. But those who know that what they do is a sin ,because the Holy Ghost has taught you, and still commit the sin is being a hyprocrit which in Gods eye is being real bad. Ofcourse if you ask for forgiveness you will be forgiven but what it is saying is that what type of Christian who is sopposed to be a new creature in God, who\'s main goal is to be like Jesus, and still sin willfully. To sin willfully is not a sin of being a Christian and therefore maybey one should examen their heart to see if they truly excepted Jesus Christ as their savior. I hope your Question has been answered, if not You know my screen name and I\'ll be happy to study more and hopfully give a more clear answer.

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