The "soup" is a subject which is sooo widely accepted that people fail to realize that there is no possible evidence for it!! Jim Brooks, a geochemist, said, "The nitrogen content of earlyorganic matter is low- just [b]0.15%[/b]. From this we can be reasonably certain that there was never any substantial amount of 'primitive soup' on Earth when pre-Cambrian sediments were formed; if ever such a soup ever existed it was only for a brief period of time." If the "soup" ever existed, it would have been rich in amino acids. Therefore, there would have been a lot of nitrogen, because amino acids are nitrogenous. The earliest organic material has [b]0.15%[/b] nitrogen. Michael Denton, a geneticist, said, "Considering the way the prebiotic soup is referred to in so many discussions of the origin of life as an already established reaity, it comes as somethimg of a shock to realize that there is absolutely no positive evidence for its existence."Post edited by: Psalm84_10, at: 2007/01/24 23:07