
Q: Risk is a sin... A: But even God plays Monopoly Q: Salvation w/o knowledge A: These things were written so that you may KNOW Q: RAPTURE - 1 TIME ONLY EVENT AFTER THE TRIBULATION A: I\'ll be there. Q: who killed jesus?? A: In a way, we did (He died to redeem us). In a way, God did (for God was pleased to crush Him, etc.) In a way, the Jews did (gave Him up and requested His execution). In a way, the Romans did (performed the actual act). In a way, He Himself did (I lay My life down, no one takes it from me). So as you can see, there is a shared responsibility. Hey look! A serious answer! Q: diduknow A: notelme Q: Does god have free will? A: Yes. Q: Paul did NOT think Christ was coming in his day A: O RLY? Q: (one of) The Atheists\' (many) Problem(s) A: Un(not)neces(s)ary paren(the)tical (remarks)(?) Q: JESUS IS COMING AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT? A: YES BUT HE WON\'T STEAL YOUR PLAYSTATION 3 Q: WHY DID JESUS SPEAK IN PARABLES?! A: IT WAS EASIER THAN SHOUTING!!! And so that no one would understand what He was saying unless He wanted them to. Q: Mean God vs. Nice God A: My money\'s on Mean God - at least I wouldn\'t want to fight Him

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