That last paragraph sums it up quite nicely. I\'ve heard the phrase \"Render unto Caesar...\" misused so many times, to say that we should just do whatever we\'re told by our government to do. Nothing could be further from the truth. Messiah Himself told us not to fear he who can kill the body, but only He who can kill both body and soul in hell (G-d). He also told us that a man cannot serve two masters, for he will love the one and hate the other. Yet we try to do just that: remain among the most patriotic Americans, while at the same time claiming to serve G-d above all others. How, then, shall these same people who say that it is not too much to ask that we keep the thousands upon thousands of pages of laws, from local to county to state to federal, civil and criminal, CASE law, so complicated neither we nor many LAWYERS can even KNOW it(instead speciailizing in a type of case).. How can these same people claim that 613 rules are too much to follow? \"If you love me, you will keep my commands\" John 14:15 There are many who say that Jesus IS G-d, that they are one and the same; indistinguishable. To these, I ask, Do you love Jesus? Do you keep His commands? All of them? But it doesn\'t matter whether He is or isn\'t G-d for this matter. If they are separate, Do you love G-d? Do you keep His commands? [b]\"Don\'t think that I have come to abolish Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish, but to complete\" [/b](Or \'not to destroy, but to fulfill\') -Matthew 5:17 There is no \"new covenant\" and \"old covenant.\" Your Bible may divide these two sections, but this is a manmade division. G-d is eternal and unchanging, as it His Word. We have one Father, one family, one blood, one home, one love. Our G-d is no respector of persons, nor races. What He wants, He wants from us all. Was Torah always a lie, or is it, then now and forever, His Holy Word for all who seek to do what is pleasing to Him, and trust in Him for their redemption? I say the latter.