I'm starting to think that some of these debates on here are going way too far. Honestly, when multiple threads end up with discussing how someone has belittled another or said something insulting, i think we have a bit of a problem. Don't get me wrong, I love a good debate. But, I think we've started to take them too far, insulting each other's beliefs and even each other from time to time. That's just not right. Our number one duty is to please God, and, honestly, do you all think that the language we all use while debating is pleasing or even glorifying unto Him? Sometimes it is, but there are many times where it is not in these debates. Yes, I have not been posting frequently on the debate forum lately, but I have been reading. I find it rather meaningless to post when all the posts in the two pages of a debate are either brothers and sisters in Christ insulting one another and their beliefs, or, are about the fact that we have been insulting one another. I just think we need to start and get our act together on here.