
ok so here's some info for on the show, and stuff. and if you just know a bnad that might like o play please email me. My high school youth group is trying to put together a fundraising concert for a missions trip. Are you all willing to play for free so that we can put all the ticket sales’ money towards our trip ($5 per person)? We’ll probably take up a “love offering” to reimburse you all for the gas to get to our church. You can also have a table or two to sell your merchandise. My church owns a Christian retreat center where we can offer some free room and board for your band while you’re in our town. We’re located in Newport News, VA (south of Williamsburg and north of Norfolk). Please let me know if you're willing and able to do a show for us on Friday, June 15. We're trying to find other bands too to gather some crowds. Thanks so much for considering this! If you want to email me beth@extremehope.org with your band info and what you will need and anything else. -Bethany

Post edited by: Bethany_Barlow, at: 2007/05/30 00:35

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