Ambiguous=Could be interpreted multiple ways. Drums are just like any other instrument, they can be used in sin or they can be used to glorify God. IMHO, worship styles are a matter of personal preference. There isn\'t one style of worship that is \"holier\" than the others. In the OT, worship was strictly done at the Temple in a prescribed manner. When Christ came, He fulfilled that. That is, He made a way for us to worship God without the need for a holy place and certain rituals. In the NT, worship was [i]decentralized[/i]. There isn\'t a holy place where we have to worship God. Church buildings are a place where the church gathers to worship as a body. Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Worship has been deregulated. There aren\'t any rituals we must go through to worship God. There aren\'t any particular styles of worship required.