
Ambiguous=Could be interpreted multiple ways. Drums are just like any other instrument, they can be used in sin or they can be used to glorify God. IMHO, worship styles are a matter of personal preference. There isn\'t one style of worship that is \"holier\" than the others. In the OT, worship was strictly done at the Temple in a prescribed manner. When Christ came, He fulfilled that. That is, He made a way for us to worship God without the need for a holy place and certain rituals. In the NT, worship was [i]decentralized[/i]. There isn\'t a holy place where we have to worship God. Church buildings are a place where the church gathers to worship as a body. Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Worship has been deregulated. There aren\'t any rituals we must go through to worship God. There aren\'t any particular styles of worship required.

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)