
Tickets at the gate $135 pulse gas for getting there could be around $200 and more... I have tickets for $100 and if you need a ride I have tickets for $125...but there is a each here...please read... Cornerstone is about 7 days away...I have 6 VOLUNTEERS tickets...I am looking for 5 people to come along with me...I can pick up three and your stuff...maybe a fourth...each tickets will be $100 and $25 for gas...so a total of $125 for your round trip to Cornerstone...all we have to do is work 2 8 hour shifts on Monday at the front gate and on Tuesday at the front gate too...there is one day we have to to security at the back gate for 4 hours and I have friends helping with that if you wouldn't want too...it is a good dale if you don't have a ticket yet...you will not miss any bands and you will not have to pay for early camping...bands start Wednesday... I NEED TO KNOW ASAP...IF YOU WILL LIKE TO GO...SO I CAN LET C-STONE STAFF TO FILL OUR SPOTS...if you need a ride I will be leaving on SUNDAY and COMING back late SATURDAY...will drive through NC, OH, WV, VA, IN, ILL...and if need to can take a different way...TN, KY please just let me know... email me asap (my thurdays)...srose26@triad.rr.com

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)