
[b]PirateGirl wrote:[/b] [quote]I really liked this topic, because I\'m quite confused about that too. I\'ve always wondered how a hell could exist, if God forgives sins. Is that correct, that God forgives all sins? I am certainly NOT an expert in Christianity so no need to bash me for it. I was just thinking, if a person has committed many sins, will they be shunned by God and damned to hell? And what exactly would happen if that person decided to confess their sins to a priest, and save themselves. Would this be acceptable to get into heaven, or still, would they go to hell? Just a few thoughts I\'ve had about this sort of thing...[/quote] Firstly, this really belongs in another topic, so I\'ll answer it briefly. 1. How could Hell exist if God forgives sin? God only forgives sin when we a) confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God has raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9) and b) ask God to forgive us of our sins (1 John 1:9). 2. Does God forgive all sins? Yes, with the exception of blasphemy. What is blasphemy? Well, there is a thread on this, I believe. Personally, I believe it is simply rejecting God \'till death (or something similar to that) in any way, shape, or form. 3. If a person commits many sins, will he be shunned by God and damned to Hell? We all commit countless sins. The thing is, will we accept God as the Lord of our life and ask God to forgive our sins? If not, then we have rejected God and have no place in Heaven. 4. What would happen if a person confessed to a priest and saved themselves? Would this be acceptable to get into Heaven, or would they go to Hell? A priest can not forgive sin. Only confessing to God will forgive your sin (1 John 1:9). Confessing to a priest, from what I know of Scripture, is only needed if you\'re considering the priest as an accountability partner. Also, you can not save yourself. Only God can save you. We are saved by grace, through faith, it\'s not of ourselves so no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8,9). If a person did what is required to be saved in Romans 10:9, however, then yes, they will be saved. I hope this helped. Now, on with the topic.

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