
Time and time again I hear christian preachers say we need a revival or that one is coming. I tell you we are in one now and have been for quiet sometime! Jewish people began returning to Israel in great numbers in the nineteenth century and still are immigrating by the tens of thousands annually. The number of Messianic Jewish believers and congregations is increasing at an ever growing pace. And the world is experiencing the greatest revival in the history of the planet. According to the apostle Paul, these two facts are bound to each other: Israel’s homecoming – both physical and spiritual – and world revival. Seventy percent of all those who have ever come to faith in Yeshua (Jesus) have come since the first Zionist conference is Basel, Switzerland, in 1897. At the birth of Zionism – the movement that heralds the right of the Jewish people to the land – the ratio of believers to unbelievers was 1 to 27; today that number is closer to 1 to 5. Seventy percent of those who have come to faith in Yeshua since the birth of Zionism, or over 50 percent of those who have ever come to faith, have come since the founding of the state of Israel in 1948. Since 1967 and the birth of Messianic Judiasm, (which oddly enough coincides with Jerusalem coming under control of Israel and the Jews for the first time in over two thousand year’s) Christian’s are realizing the Jewishness of their faith. That to believe in Messiah is to live the word of G-d. That He has one Torah and one judgment for all men (Numbers 15:16). The early believers “were together and had everything in common” (Acts 2:44). They were “one heart and one mind” (4:32). In the garden of Gat–Sh’manim, Yeshua prayed all of us be one (John 17:21). But we are not one. There are over 160 different ecclesiastical traditions with 23,000 separate and distinct denominations. We can see the natural law of our Father’s creation at work here. Christianity has split from Judiasm and we have reproduced “according to our kind” ever since. By breaking from those who birthed us, christianity has produced one division after another. Every new movement has resulted in a new “church”, each reformation, a new denomination. Their was still a family resemblance, but a mutation had entered our bloodstream. Mutations may produce only a slight change in the first generation but can ultimately bring about “great changes such as severe deformities and diseases as we can see today. It all began with that first break when the gentiles assumed a superior position and is a gaping wound between Jews and gentiles. It was Moses who first heard the Father say, “Israel is my firstborn son.” A firstborn son has an irreplaceable position of honor in the family. Paul was specifically speaking of Israel when he said, “G-d’s gifts and His call are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29) The Psalmist spoke of blessing that would come when the L-rd’s family “live together in unity” (Psalm 133:1) while Yeshua prayed for unity among the believers so that the watching world might believe (John 17:21-23). The promise of the Psalmist and the prayer of Messiah are gradually coming to fruition. This awakening of the nations along with the physical and spiritual birth of Israel is creating “one new man,” If you have missed this revival, what does it say about what you are doing? The Spirit of the Elijah is about, restoring all things and preparing the people for the Kingdom that is coming. It is not too late to seek Him and what He is doing!

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