
[b]MattBob_SquarePants wrote:[/b] [quote]The other thread has a life of its own. I see no danger as a result of my skepticism of Paul. For the sake of clarity, for those who\'ve not been here long, I do respect him, and I very much like some of his teachings. I do not consider him to be a prophet. I see no danger because of the uniformity of scripture. I do not draw a hard line between the Tanakh(OT) and the New Testament. It is the same Word of G-d, repeated as ALL the prophets repeated the same message from Torah, calling sinners and backsliders to repentence. Therefore, in my worldview, one of two things is true- Either Paul IS speaking the same Word of G-d, in which case I\'ll get the same messages with or without him. OR He is teaching a different doctrine than Torah, the prophets and Messiah taught, in which case he is a false prophet. Here\'s your chance to show me what crucial doctrines I couldn\'t find anywhere else, and explain why it is that these doctrines weren\'t given before, if they are so crucial.[/quote] I just wanted to point out that Paul is an apostle. He\'s not a prophet. That makes a bit of difference in job and purpose for his ministry. So he could be a false apostle if you were to phrase it that way. But I believe Paul is the only one who speaks about those in his letters. Just a clarification.

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