
What i have read and come to believe that verse doesnt mean if you say \"i hate God i dont believe in him he\'s fake\" or something like that Your not damned to hell.... I think it\'s when the Holy Spirit is constantly talking to you trying to persuade you to do something, to live your life for Christ, to give up this addiction, to stop dating this person, etc. and you just choose to ignore it and go your own way. We say \"oh God let your kingdom come let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven\" but we want Gods will and his kingdom to be what we want, the way we want it to look. We want to approve God\'s will before we do it, because if it\'s getting out of our comfortable boxes we wont do it... but really i dont know anything.. God\'s wisdom and understanding is far greater than mine... His ways are not my ways his thoughts are higher than my thoughts.

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