
hoy vey.... [quote]Neither verse commands physical action. You can vouch for the oppressed, like MLK, without hurting people.[/quote] The verses merely says to defend. It doesn\'t specify whether it is spoken or physical. [quote]The word translated to mean resist is talking about physical resistance.[/quote] So... from your source, it means lethal resistance. Does that mean it\'s OK as long as it is non-lethal? With my statement \"So, with your interpretation of that verse, any resistance of someone who is evil is sin. So then you resisting the evil antichrists and their doctrines of war and hate is sin.\" I was attempting to show you the faultiness in the interpretation that any resistance of evil is sin... -- You\'re only like, what, 4, maybe 5 years older than me. But thanks anyways for your pardoning my lack of sophistication. It is really kind of you to forgive me because of my age. Thanks! :dry: [quote] No matter the sin, unless we repent, have faith, and receive God\'s grace, we are screwed. Having blood on one\'s hands, literally or figuratively, is definitely not the way to get God\'s favor.[/quote] So does Christ\'s blood cover all of our sins, or just the individual ones we repent for? [quote] What part of, \"If anyone slays with the sword, with the sword must he be slain\" is difficult to understand? There are no exceptions made for \"just\" or \"Christian\" slayings. \"Anyone\" who slays \"must\" be slain. Because Revelations obviously deals with the prayers of the Saints in chapter 5 for divine justice, it is not Christians or any human authority that carries out God\'s command for justice. God will judge everyone by the fruits they bare, and if the slay they will be slain. It is quite simple. [/quote] Yeah... but Jesus Himself told the disciples to get sword! (Luke 23:36-38) [at least I think that is what the passage says... :pinch: ] Nothing is difficult to understand, thanks for asking! I was merely stating that the verse states a cause and effect. I don\'t think you get what I\'m trying to say... I never said Christians are exempt from rules. hoy vey.

Post edited by: serfofChrist92, at: 2007/10/08 07:12

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