
[b]xxdustmanxx wrote:[/b] [quote] With all the above,when i signed up for this site,i was asked what category religion i was under.(buddhist,agnostic,athiest,christian etc.) Dont you think that some people on this forum,primarily the ones of different faith would think otherwise,i mean the above post is asinine at the least,how can you be a good mod,let alone a goo christ follower and then restrict people of their opinion.Thats sad. Does anyone agree? [/quote] Arguably, this is a [i]Theology[/i] debate section, so we...debate theology. In fact, the description of this section is: [quote]Theology Debate board for those of you who burn to debate biblical topics.[/quote] It makes sense if we are going to be debating matters in the Bible, that we define what the Bible is and it\'s authority. The Bible, which was defined as the 39 OT books and 27 NT books; and defined as inerrant, clearly teaches that Christ was divine so the admins made that topic off-limits. *waits to see how long before this thread gets deleted*

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