
Today there is a lot of talk about defining marriage, especially with regard to it being between one man and one woman. I've been doing some research on views on marriage, and I found something I think would be good for discussion. Basically, it's a generally accepted idea in Christian circles that in order for two people to be married in God's eyes, they absolutely MUST abide by all the laws of the land and are actually not considered married by God until they have acquired a marriage license from the state (not saying this is my view, it's just that of most it seems). Many who support this view that marriage must be acknowledged by law before it's actual marriage quote scripture such as Romans 13:1-7. They also refer to the time when Jesus attended the wedding party, claiming He was acknowledging the legitimacy of a ceremony, another aspect of marriage many deem completely necessary. What do you think makes two people married in the Lord's eyes?

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