
i live in a family of 7. and 3 years ago my parents got a little suprise: my little brother!!! his bones at that time just looked a little off. a little while after words we get some not so good news. the doctors said that he was going to be a dwarf. they said he had acondraplaiseia. i wish that was correct. after a little more time they changed his dianogios. they said he had oliors diseas. oliors diseas is a slightly rare bone diseas that gives you bone tumors all over your body. they were wrong again. we now know he has a slightly worse disease call mafookie sindrom. i also gives him these little red dots on his skin. they are acualy tumors too. this diseas is a very rare disease. no here is worse news. after all this my mom started search for a good bone doctor. after a year of research god lead us to a bone specialist in sealte. she went to him as soon as posible. after mesuring his leg that is shorter than the other we relize that it's not been growing for over a year. after a lot of thinking my parents take the sugestin and decide to amputate his leg. is a hard thing for a 3 year old to go through but it will improve his life. the surgery will be in march. so please pray!!!!!!! if you have any questions send me a mesage. and thanks.

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)