please tell me what you think of my first chapter all though i know it's a work in progress. [size=5]Chapter 1[/size] [size=4]The discovery [/size] Those gleaming red eye’s stared at her with hatred seeming to seep out of them. After several minutes he finally moved grabbing for his weapon she searched for a few seconds. Her chain claw’s were just a few feet away. She jumped as one of his hammers crushed the ground with a sickening thud the ground moaned as if in pain. He grabbing the chain to his other hammer he started swinging it over his head with each turn it gained velocity and power. He through it with a grunt she grabbed her chain claw’s and ran as fast as she could hearing the hammer pound the ground as it shook under the force of the blow. She turned her head to see how far behind her he was and to see if she could find her family she saw that each were in there own battles. She turned her head around in just enough time to see the cliff about three feet away she knew at the speed she was going she wouldn’t be able to stop in time she quickly put the chain claws back into the holsters on her back and then quickly dropped down to her knees to slow herself down and when she got to the very edge of the cliff she grabbed a root that was protruding from the cliffs edge. Holding as tightly as she could she slowly pulled herself up every muscle hurting as she pulled her body weight back on solid ground. With her arms throbbing in pain and her breath leaving her she looked for her stalker there he was twenty yards away and getting closer she stood up. He stopped ten feet away again swinging the hammer by it’s chain. Again he through it only this time he was to close she didn’t have time to run and nowhere to run to she grabbed her weapons and crossed them over her chest she could see the ground ripping as the hammer sliced through the air. Closing her eye’s she braced for the coming pain and the eminent death to follow either the blow would kill her or it would knock her off the cliff and it was a long way down.