
I don't want to derail a couple of other threads, so I'm posting my questions here. Some of the discussions in the thread about Paul and the one about the Sabbath raised a couple questions in my mind about the inspiration of several books of the NT that were not necessarily authored by Paul (this is particularly addressed to those who don't believe that Paul was inspired, but others can answer as well). I'm wondering about Acts, Hebrews, 1 & 2 Peter, James and Jude. Which of these do y'all consider inspired? Acts is believed to be written by Luke. He was believed to be inspired when he authored the Gospel of Luke, do you believe he was inspired when he wrote Acts? Peter is traditionally held to be appointed by Christ as the human head of the early church and was definitely a major leader in the church. Do you believe he was inspired? Who do you believe was the author of Hebrews and what is your view of the book? James and Jude were prominent in the early church and biological brothers of Christ. Do y'all believe they were inspired? I'm asking these things so that I can be better informed about your position when we discuss these topics. Thanks. -Philip

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