
i think i've got some kind of problem... i used to love my life...it was awesome and amazing. but things started to change. stuff happened, and i started cutting to relieve the pain. and i'll admit. it worked. well. all too well. i've tried to quit cutting, and it's worked for the most part. so that's a step in the right direction. but i think i may be depressed. kind of anyway. or something. i have my days when everything is great. i'm living life, and loving living. but then there are those days (that almost outnumber the others) when i dont feel the same. i get this sinking feeling....like this actual, phsycal feeling right where my rib cage meets at the bottom, above my stomach. its a sinking...falling feeling, and each time i have it i spiral deeper. i cry for no apparent reason, and when i feel like this, there's really no reason why i should. but the thing is, i dont think i'm actually depressed...because people with depression have problems like trouble eating, or keeping food down. not wanting to get out of bed because they feel its not worth it. i dont have any of those, but i still have these feelings...slip up and cut three weeks after i've quit...contemplate suicide, but of course decide against it because i want to see if this will ever end. can anyone help me??? why do i feel like this????

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