I admit I liked Revenge of the Sith, even though it should have been better than it was. It\'s the only one of the prequels I think I\'d like to own. Seriously though, all three of the original trilogy are in my top 5 movies. I grew up with them and when I revisit them they are still awesome. The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite. I thought it was the worst when I was a kid but now I like it the most. Probably because it is the best movie for Han Solo and he\'s my favorite character in the series. He gets a lot of growth in that one, and kinda steals the show from Luke. Actually, my favorite sequence in all the Star Wars movies is the Millennium Falcon\'s escape from Hoth and into the asteroid field. An odd choice, maybe, but I love the music and it has some great effects as well as a classic Han moment.