
I'm reading all these chain mails, jokes, forwards, and what ever else I have in my email while listening to my music right after a Bible Study with my family. Just now, I realized what I was doing, the music I'm listening to is 'Around the World' by ATC, its not Christian, but my excuse is 'Its not secular either, its not like it talks about sex, drugs, and getting stonned, does it?' In my mind I hear myself thinking, 'No, it doesn't, but then again, it doesn't talk about God does it?' That little voice that usually doesn't get to me, finally did. I turned on Lean On Me by Kirk Franklin. I find my eyes moist as I realize, I am an invisible Christian. I listen to secular music, want to dress like how I see most girls dress now, and once in a while a word that shouldn't have come out did. I always say, 'I'll apoligize to God later', then I hear that small, lil voice that tells me when I should or shouldn't do something tell me, 'How would you feel someone kept betraying you?' I realize, God has feelings, He hurts when people betray Him. I ask myself, why do I find it more exciting listening to secular music, then the music that talks about God? Simple: God isn't the 'new thing'. Why do we want the new thing? Cause everybody else has it. I realize He see's everything I do, if I think like this all day, I'll probably not be so invizible. I hear myself talking about how much I love the Lord, but I realize I'm not living my life as though I love Him. I realize that He is coming back soon, I'm thinking about how the world is today, and that I'm being tested on a daily basis, tested on my faith, and my so called love for Him. If I don't get my life right, loving Him will mean NOTHING because love without works is pointless. God must have a lot of patience to not have destroyed me yet. He's done so much for me and my family, but I dont even see half the things He does. The water my dad and brother went out to get, the job my dad has to pay for that water, the van we use to carry that water. Everything. I cant believe it took me this long to realize it, and I'm still finding things out about Him. James 2:20 But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless? If this in any way has touched you, plz pass it on!

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