
Ok, it is not whether or not it is true, but whether or not it is the word of God and inspired from God. It has to be true, but it can\'t be based only on whether or not it is true. A History book is true, but it is not the word of God. Now you like mentioning how Chirstian interpretation this and that. But Christian interpretation does make sense if you let it. Your interpretation of the Bible is one that changes a lot and depends on you. That is not a good thing. You say that there are parts of the NT that are not Scripture and you pick and choose what is and what isn\'t. From the time Ive been here you have changed your views from Acts and now part of John. You have yet to answer my question and one of the only verses that you have to support your interpretation is Matthew 5:17, which can be interpreted many ways. Have you ever stopped to consider that the reason so much Scripture does not fit into your interpretation is because your interpretation isn\'t right?

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