Welcome to the MyPraize Book Club - aka The Pagemaster Guild! :P Members: Jekkie (The rad leader) ;) thantali Roderick_of_Dunmrogh Standard Issue KattyKit vballsoccerchick randomly-awesome cookiedough28 lilrush Anko sparkyou JoeWeird larry229 Bittersweet InHisLove RULES: -Books are picked in order of who joined (see list above). -That person will pick 2 books then the group will vote on what book we will read (person who is picking the books does not get to vote) -We select and read a book every 30 days -After the 30 days we will have an x amount of time (no more than 10 days) where we will have time for the next member to pick new books, so we can vote and have time for everyone to get the new book. - If a member does not show up during the x amount of time period of which they shall be choosing the next book, that person shall be skipped and we shall move on to the next person unless otherwise noted. - NO TWILIGHT BOOKS. EVER. - Members should reveal their choices for a book ahead of their turn in order that everybody will have time to make sure one or both books are available. [u]Current book[/u] [i]The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress[/i] by Robert A. Heinlein UPDATE: Reading has started. Please try to finish between June 24th and July 4th. Thankee-sai.