I just want to apologize just by saying that I am sorry for the way how I acted up. I'm not like that every day in real life. I real life, I'm more of a regular everyday weird college student who likes to act like a loud stupid idiot. I do it because it shows my colors. I, however, just can't stand it when people talk smack about my Jesus. So many people think that Jesus was only a carpenter who only talked a lot and make fun of Him like He was a weak wuss. He was the greatest Man who had ever walk on this wretched world. He healed the leaper, healed the blind, healed the deaf and blind, walked on water, turned water into wine, feed the five thousand, and the most important part in the history of existence, died for our sins and overcome death. He did that for every single human being in existence. He did it so you can gain access to heaven so you can live eternally with you in the grace and mercy of His kingdom. It's a promise that He has kept then, it's a promise that He is still keeping, and it's a promise that will soon to be. And yet so many people look at this as mediocre. Jesus is the God of love, mercy, righteousness, wisdom and also the Prince of peace. He is our King and the unrighteous don't ever treat Him like that. I just can't believe that our country would rather prefer man over Jesus. I just can't think of anything worse than putting Jesus away in our lives and saying that man is better than Jesus. I just want to ask for everyone, whoever can do so, pray for a revival in our nation. Our nation has now fallen on the edge living in its own pride and sin. We just need so much prayer now for our nation to being what it use to be.