And it seems to me that the United States was founded on a lot of core Christian values. I know that you can dig up all kinds of un-christian things our founding fathers did, but there is no denying that Christianity played a role in the founding of the US. For example, why is it that there are Bible verses inscribed in the capital buildings all over the place in Washington, D.C.? Or why is it that if you walk up the steps of the Supreme Court building, you look up and see Moses? [url] [/url] Or that the Ten Commandments are on the door of the Supreme Courtroom? And in the wall above where the Supreme Court judges are seated? And why is it that James Madison, the fourth president, known as \"The Father of Our Constitution\" made the following statement: \"We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.\" And why is it that the United States has become such a great nation for over 200 years? Just a coincidence? God wasn\'t involved at all? And why, now that the United States is becoming so sinful with our abortions, and our homosexuality, and other reasons, do we seem to be going downhill? And a Christian led country will fail? Come on. [img size=375][/img]