
I fully agree with daisukeghost. It IS Ganeane Garofalo that\'s looking at it in racial terms. Just because people protest a President (and a Congress, BTW) doesn\'t mean they\'re protesting his skin color. I think mainstream America understood the historical implications of having our first African American President, and have now moved on to seeing whether or not the history books will have anything greater to remember him for. But there ARE people in this country that will ALWAYS see race, everywhere they look, and any conflicts will be racial conflicts to them. I almost think you would have to have some small level of paranoid delusions to really believe the junk Ms Garofalo was saying. What it really reminds me of is when the feds seized a Baptist church here in Indianapolis. The order came down from a federal judge, but city, county, and state law enforcement refused to enforce the order, and drag a praying congregation out of their church. A man named Frank Anderson, then with the US Marshals agreed to do what no one else dared. He then took credit for a \"peaceful\" resolution to the conflict... as if it wasn\'t the church themselves, being so vigilant making sure no radical violent types or weapons were allowed in their building, but rather it was the benevolent US Marshals, for so mercifully deciding NOT to shoot a bunch of unarmed people. He took credit for it, and then he successfully ran as our Sheriff. I hate that man. Anytime I saw his campaign signs in a yard, I took them. Once I was looking at scores and scores of these things stacked up, I decided I\'d make some stencils, and make my own signs. I just painted over one side, and on the other \"If voting could change anything, it would be illegal.\" Of course, nobody wanted to see MY signs at the polling places. But I was prepared for that. I had backups for when they disappeared, I mapped out where they were being removed the quickest, and I spent time there, to make sure I gave some resistance. I was even fully prepared when a cop showed up, put me in cuffs, and tried to threaten me with this, that, and the other. What actually took me by surprise was a democratic pollster at one of the places that kept insisting that anyone that hated Frank Anderson must just hate black people. No matter how I tried to explain it, he kept flipping back to race. I don\'t really think he was really that dense. I think he was used to being able to throw out the \"race card\' and white people falling all over themeselves, to cross their position, and avoid even the ACCUSATION of being racist. I ain\'t the one. I know what I believe, and my problem wasn\'t with Marion County having our first black Sheriff, but Marion County having a Sheriff that SO obviously did not serve the will of the people of Marion County, but rather, the will of the federal government.

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